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Horrific’ footage reveals fish suffocating to death on industrial farms in Italy

The footage shows that some are eventually killed with blows to the head from metal batons. Some of the fish that survive endure a suffocation that can apparently last up to an hour on containers filled with slush and ice.

ARTHUR NESLEN: ‘Shocking footage of intensively farmed fish has emerged in Italy which raises questions about working practices on aquaculture farms for supermarket produce, and which has sparked fresh calls for regulation. Unlike mammals, fish have almost no legal protections in the EU and the images, secretly filmed in 2017 and 2018, represent the first investigation into Europe’s “factory farms” for fish.

The video shows separate schools of sea bream, sea bass and trout being scooped out of cramped nets, before they are dumped into plastic containers, and left to slowly asphyxiate. Many spend their last moments flapping helplessly on the floor. Some of the fish that survive endure a suffocation that can apparently last up to an hour on slabs or containers filled with slush and ice in the slaughterhouse. The footage shows that some are eventually killed with blows to the head from metal batons…

Claudio Pomo, a co-founder of Essere Animali, the campaign group which recorded the footage said: “Fish farms are simply underwater factory farms, but with more serious animal welfare problems. No law or EU regulation protects fish and, after spending their lives in a crowded cage, hundreds of millions of them are being left to slowly and painfully die of asphyxiation every year.” The fish in the video were sent on to some of Italy’s biggest supermarkets, which Essere Animali will now be targeting in a national campaign of petitions, emails and, potentially, street protests, Pomo said’. SOURCE…


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